Timing & X-Slots
Introduction. Link to: x-slot glossary entry, Global Settings (options with respect to generation of x-slots as well as subdivisions), Automated Processes, and mention timing as relevant to selecting sign type options (simultaneous or sequential) and movement phasing options (in phase/out of phase).
New! X-slots can represent either syllables or segments.
1. Generating and linking x-slots
Description You can choose whether the number of x-slots is manually specified by the user for each sign before coding, or if it will be automatically determined by the program based on the movement modules, or you can choose to disable the use of x-slots completely.
Under construction - this was cut out from the movement documentations
Depending on your choices of how to interact with x-slots, the step to start adding modules to a sign may come at different points in the coding process.
If x-slots and auto-generation are both enabled, then code the movement module(s) for the sign immediately after entering the Sign Level Information and coding the Sign Type. The movement information is used by the program to generate the appropriate number of x-slots for the sign, and then you’ll be able to move on to other sign modules.
If x-slots are enabled but auto-generation is not, then you must add the appropriate number of x-slots first before adding any modules at all to the sign.
See Global Settings for more about the program’s default behaviour, and how to change these options.
2. Visual representation
I. The sign summary window
(Describe what this looks like and how to interact with it. Note how to make it show up if it doesn’t seem to be visible in the program window. Include an image of a sample sign summary visualization, preferably with multiple modules with an interesting timing configuration and some modules that apply to both hands. Maybe contrast this with how the same sign would look without x-slots enabled.)
Note that the program will generate a single instance of a module when you create one that applies to both hands, though it will be represented with two ‘boxes’ in the sign summary. Any future edits to either appearance will also apply to the other, as these are only a single instance of the module in actuality.
II. X-slot selection
This whole section will apply for every module type except nonmanuals, which will need more detail.
Under construction
(Add descriptions for how to interact with the x-slot field within a module.) Assume that x-slots are enabled, and this section can be skipped if they are not. Add a screenshot for context. Important notes: no overlapping points or regions, must make at least one selection, points vs. intervals, functionally identical timing selections(?) ← I meant choosing ‘whole sign’ vs ‘first x-slot’ for signs with exactly one x-slot, but now I’m wondering how different everything is on the back end if you want to do extra clicking for smaller intervals than necessary in general (e.g. always choosing the first and second half of each x-slot instead of the whole thing).