Hand Part Module

This module is used to code the hand part involved in approaching or contacting another part of the body or the opposite hand. As many instances of this module as necessary can be called for any given sign coding. For more discussion on the use of modules in SLP-AA to encode information about signs, see Modularity.

Select the hand(s) involved in this instance of the module.


Selecting both hands

All of the specifications in this module will apply to the indicated hand(s), so selecting Both hands means that the applicable part of each hand equally approaches or contacts the same part of the other hand. If one hand is involved in approaching or contacting a different part of the opposite hand, choose only the applicable hand that is going to be described in this instance of the module as the one that is doing the approaching or contacting (that is, choose the hand that is not currently acting as a location for the other hand).

Module instances link to generic x-slots to record information about their timing relative to any others within a sign. For more information on the use of x-slots in SLP-AA, consult Timing & X-Slots.

1. Hand part selection

Select the part of the hand … from the list of Hand locations.

2. Linking to existing module instances

Every instance of Hand Part must be linked to an instance of another module type.

Choose from the list of instances of the Location Module, the Relation Module, and/or the Movement Module that you’ve already created for this sign.


How many instances can be linked? Can a single instance of one module type be linked to many other instances in any direction? (e.g. can Location1 be linked to many instances of Hand Part and can HandPart1 also be linked to many instances of Location?)